New setup
2024 August 12
I have a new setup that I will be trying on the following days. It is incredibly minimalistic. I am currently using a Boox 10.3 as a monitor and using termux to ssh into my personal computer.
How am I currently doing it? Pretty simple. The Boox tablets run Android inside and let you run any app under the sun. So I have installed the two most helpful apps one can have in here.
- Termux: a terminal emulator for android.
- Tailscale: A private VPN.
With this two apps, one can use their main computers as a remote server and just ssh from the tablet! I am starting to try it out, but I still don't have any strong opinions of if it is feasably a good every day carry or if it simply to minimal for day to day tasks.
As for the keyboard, I have been using a CIDOO v65.
I will keep you all posted, and if it is not a good idea I'll let you know too!
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